To view a bill, click on your name in the upper right corner.  From the drop-down menu, select “Billing & Payments”.  Find the bill you are looking to pay and expand it by clicking on the blue arrow icon on the right. Click on the blue arrow to view the details of each bill. If needed, you will...
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After the law firm reviews the submitted questionnaire, they’ll prepare the forms and/or letters needed for your employee’s visa application. When it’s time for forms and letters to be reviewed, the attorneys will update your Action Items list.  In certain cases, only the employer will need to review the prepared forms and letters. To review a form: Navigate to...
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If you upload a document to the wrong placeholder or uploaded something in error, you may replace the document uploaded with the correct document by clicking on the “Replace” option in the drop-down menu.  This will replace the incorrect document with the correct one. If you do not have a replacement document but would like...
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To add a profile picture, go to the Visa Organizer in your account and you will see a camera icon on the left-hand side of the screen near your name and account number. Once you click on “Upload Photo,” you will have the option to select an image from the saved files on your computer. Once...
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To view receipts for payments made on a case, follow these steps. Click on your name at the top right. Click on “Billing & Payments” from the drop-down menu. You will see that “Payment History” will appear in the left sidebar. Follow the link to view all payments made. Use the cloud icon to download any and...
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We’ve put together a list of top 10 tips for a successful application.  Check them out below! Fill out your questionnaire as soon as possible. The questionnaire provides the attorneys with crucial information about your case, so it needs to be completed before we can start working on your case. Monitor the alerts posted to...
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Online Questionnaire Who completes this step: the customer (that’s you!) In order to get started, answer all of the questions in your questionnaire.  Don’t forget to submit the questionnaire to Attorney Review when finished!  Once completed and submitted, the Envoy-retained law firm will start to review your questionnaire right away.  Questionnaire answers are used to prepare...
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UCSIS now requires original, wet-ink signatures on the forms that must be sent with a petition. The signatures required will depend on the case. For primary cases (H-1B, L-1, I-140, etc), the Petitioner (employer) will most often provide the original signature. For most dependent (H-4, L-2, I-485, etc) cases, the primary Applicant (the dependent) on...
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If Envoy Customer Experience is coordinating an evaluation, the process will usually take around 3-5 days after the order is placed. They will work with the legal team to coordinate the details and it’s important to note that this timeline varies. For urgent cases, they can obtain a standard evaluation in about 1 day. If...
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After the legal team completes their initial review of the case, they will determine if an education evaluation is needed. Generally, if the degree comes from outside of the U.S. and the applicant is applying anywhere other than the country where that degree was obtained, then an evaluation is needed. Sometimes the legal team will...
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