Global Immigration Services
Global talent acquisition involves securing work authorization for new or existing talent, and managing your global workforce compliantly. Envoy Global’s holistic approach and connected platform enables our team to provide a seamless experience and become an extension of your immigration program and team.
Global Service Coverage

About Envoy's Global Immigration Services
What is Envoy Global's global reach?
Envoy Global's Global Immigration Team is worldwide, and we service all countries and jurisdictions where our clients require support except for countries or regions where we legally cannot operate (e.g., Syria, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, and Crimea).
What is Envoy Global's global structure for managing and servicing countries outside the U.S.?
Clients with global needs are assigned a dedicated Global Immigration Team and a Strategic Account Manager (SAM). This team of immigration lawyers, registered practitioners and case managers have specific expertise in the client's destination locations. Members of the Global Immigration Team are assigned individual cases.
The SAM is the primary point of contact for account implementation, overall strategic program management guidance, coordination of cross-border project work, account review meetings and escalation management. The SAM will bring other Global Immigration Team members into meetings and projects as needed.
Will I have a single point of contact for all my global needs?
Yes, all clients have a dedicated Strategic Account Manager (SAM) who serves as their primary point of contact for all global needs. Employees will also have a single point of contact from a Global Immigration Team member who is responsible for their case – from start to finish.
In what countries does Envoy Global currently do casework in-house?
We currently offer services in-house in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, the U.K., Spain, France, UAE and Singapore. We have plans to expand our in-house capabilities in regions throughout the globe.
How long does it take to complete a global assessment?
When an assessment is straightforward and we have received all necessary data and information, we aim to reply and conclude the matter within 24 hours of the request.
However, in some cases, a matter might be rare, complex, or require a direct opinion from the relevant government authorities. If so, these cases can take longer (typically no longer than 72 hours). In these circumstances, we always keep our clients fully informed and up to date to ensure proper expectations.
How do Envoy Global’s global reach and services compare to others?
Our global services are second to none. We serve all jurisdictions except for countries or regions where we legally cannot operate (e.g., Syria, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, and Crimea).
Envoy Global provides clients access to highly knowledgeable SAMs and legal team members with many years of experience.
Envoy Global’s SAMs also provide expert analysis, communication and reporting in the Envoy Global platform, resulting in timely answers to questions and strategic advice up front, which helps save time and costs.
Envoy's Global Technology

Global Immigration Services
Global Work Assessments
Compliance Reporting
Comprehensive Knowledge Base
Worldwide Team Access
Forecasting & Budget Insights
Ongoing Case Management
Training & Strategic Planning
Business Travel Guidance
What our customers say
“Envoy Global functions as an extension of our team in our goal to provide clients with highly-skilled international technology talent based in Canada. The Envoy Global team in Canada understands our business and can keep pace with the quick turnarounds we require. The Envoy Global platform simplifies the Canadian work permit and PR processes for us, reducing the need for redundant data entry and document uploads, while empowering our sponsored employees with clear guidance and transparency into the immigration process.”

“Ivalua’s relationship with Envoy Global and their global team is a true partnership. Since processes and regulations are very different from country to country, my rep at Envoy Global is always the first place I turn to obtain the specific information and resources I need to make decisions about managing our talent anywhere in the world. The Envoy Global platform allows me to extend that peace of mind to our employees, and thereby the executives, by giving everyone that same easy access to information and advice.”