To store a credit card’s information in your Envoy account, you can take these steps:
- In your Division account, click the “Settings” link in the left sidebar
- Under the “Preferences” tab at the top of the page, you will see “Stored Credit Cards”
- Click “+Add Stored Credit Card”
- Enter the card information and click “Save”
Once you save a stored credit card, you’ll be able to use it to pay for cases when you open them or cases you have already opened!
If you need to delete a credit card at any point, you can navigate back to the Stored Credit Cards section and click on “Delete”, which will remove the card’s information from your account.
If you need assistance setting up your stored credit card, please contact your Customer Relationship Manager or Customer Support.
If you need additional assistance, the Envoy Customer Support team can help. You can contact us at 1-855-739-8472 or 1-312-964-6499 or via email at